Tuesday, December 18, 2012

We have been taught "to forgive, but never forget

We have been taught "to forgive, but never forget", right?

Most of us lie when we say that we have forgiven the people for their mistakes and wrongdoings but then we continue to remind them of their mistake sometimes. Maybe in anger or maybe just to tease or make them feel hurt.

Is this a forgiveness we want for ourselves as well?

When we raise our hands in humility towards heavens and we beg for forgiveness, what do we ask for? What kind of forgiveness do we ask for?

We want a clean chit from Allah that we have been forgiven COMPLETELY. We want another chance. We want our huge and endless list of crimes to be erased. We want Allah to accept our repentance and allow us to start again. We don’t want to be reminded of it, or have it come back to haunt or to taunt us. We want our sins to be forgiven here and veiled on the day of Judgement!!

Subhan'Allah, the mercy of our Lord, the Most Merciful is so much unique that Allah Subhanahu Wa Taa'la after forgiving a repenting believer never reminds him of his wrong deeds, neither in this world nor in the hereafter!

Hence, If we want to be forgiven completely, we must learn to forgive others completely.

May Allah help us not to bear any grudges towards anyone, to treat one another properly and to forgive another completely.

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