Wednesday, December 12, 2012

  • Umar bin Al Khattab r.a. used to weep on recalling his early youth. Some one asked him : O leaders of the Believers ! What's the matter?. He replied : When I was a young man my father used to worry and reprimand me." Umar ! How will you manage your life, if you can't even look after a flock of sheep? Umar continued : After embracing the Qur'an, Umar is looking after the administration of entire Islamic land !

    This is the excellence of Qur'an. It brings the best out of you. Those who study the Qur'an and its Tafseer and implement them in their lives, need no workshops in management, human relations, Personality development..... If the Qur'an can raise a community of shepherds from its ebb into the highest tide and place them in the ranks of best Rulers, Warriors, Crises fighters, Ambassadors, Donors .. in an age without Internet or even telegraph , why cannot it upgrade us the educated ones ?

    Consider this: If your doctor gives you a doze of medicine to cure your viral fever he will also give you some do and donts so that the medicine can affect . He will say take this medicine in time and avoid cold things ... But if you take the medicine and just look at it with hope can you get cured? NO... and if you take medicine but for cold but continue your affair with Ice creams and colas..will your sickness flee ? This is exactly what most of the Muslims are doing to the prescription for our social, psychological economic and political problems. Some of us read the Qur'an like reading the doctor's medicine but refuse to gulp it down ..Many of us read the Qur'an but continue doing what the Qur'an stops us from , like taking colas, ice creams along with the medicines.

    When Allah says " Hold fast to the rope of Allah.. it means cling to the 'do' and shed away 'donts'. When Surah Hashr says: wama aatakumur rosoolu fa khozooho...what ever the Prophet gives you fakhuzoohu...'khuzoo' means to grab it without fear, hesitation and reluctance and hold it firmly and don't let it go.. I will make it simple : If the Prophet gives you a command.. grow your beard.. then don't delay, don't fear, don't hesitate and don't be reluctance. Now make a list of all the commands that the Prophet has given regarding dealing with parents, neighbours, poor, orphans.....and grab them. Fakhuzoohu..

    It was the reluctant obedience without delay that made Ibrahim 'Khaleel' of Allah ( peace be upon him ) . When he was commanded to slaughter his son he did not even inquire " is it mustahab or wajib ?" like many of us do before growing beards and cutting the trousers up to ankles. It was the instant obedience that made Umar the finest authority.

    Most of us work hard only on Tajweed and Qirat and relax . Many highlight scientific miracles of Qur'an , some study the linguistic miracles of Quran and together we all boast of Qur'an but only few take the benefit out of it. How many of us enjoy acting upon a Qur'anic verse which we love to hear it again and again ? How many of us after listening to Shaikh Mishary Rasheed or Shaikh Shuraim reciting Surah Isra's 24 th verse regarding high graded behaviors with parents actually implement it?

    The Beauty of Qur'an is not enjoyed only in its awesome Qiraat or scientific miracles or dazzling language but also in its capacity of transforming our lives from bad to good... from good to very good and from very good to excellent..But if we allow it..

    -via: Nisaar Y. Nadiadwala

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