Monday, December 31, 2012

Dear sister in Islam...,

We know its hard. We know you look at all those pretty girls and wonder why you can’t look like them? We know it hurts to sometimes refrain yourself from plucking those brows or to put on that hijab & abaya. We know it gets hard to walk outside with no make up on, with your natural face, thinking it’s not good enough and all of your flaws are showing.

You know what else we know? We know you’re beautiful, regardless of what you think of yourself. ♥ We know that even the slightest inclination of pleasing Allah in yourself increases that beauty ten-fold and we know that when Allah finds you beautiful, it’s all that matters. You’re not doing this for the world, remember? You’re not even doing it for yourself. :)

Imagine your beauty on the Day of Qiyamah when your face would be glowing and radiant with noor, when you would enter Jannah & be more beautiful than the hoor and you would realize that this world really wasn’t worth the drool.

Lovely sister, we are proud of you! ♥..

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