Thursday, December 27, 2012

Seek forgiveness every moment. Often. It has tremendous benefits.

Mufti Menk says:
“Seeking the forgiveness of the Almighty very often, raises ones rank, eases difficulties, increases sustenance, purifies the heart, attains blessings, protects from sin, cures from disease, increases piety, fulfills our needs, grants goodness in offspring, makes obedience easy, achieves the Pleasure of the Almighty & results ultimately in entry into Paradise.

The Messenger (SalAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) himself sought forgiveness between seventy to a hundred times DAILY.” (♥)

#Prophet SalAllahu Alaihi Wasallam had no sins, yet He sought forgiveness more than seventy times daily.
We can think about ourselves. :(
Seek forgiveness every moment. Often. It has tremendous benefits. In sha Allah.

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