Tuesday, October 30, 2012

We live in a society that is based on judging others

We live in a society that is based on judging others. Often times, as Muslims, we tend to do the same thing in that we judge other people. We think we know others’ intentions or we know where their heart stands. We may look for a reason
to pass judgment on a specific brother or sister or we may look for an excuse to consider them ‘off the manhaj’ as it is so often known as.

However, in reality, ask yourself, “Who are we to judge others?” As Muslims, we want and wish for the best for our brothers and sisters in faith. They are a part of our family and thus we want nothing but the best for them. What happened to making excuses and excuses for our brothers and sisters? Who are we judge others? No doubt, as Muslims, it is our duty to advise others and it is our duty to command the good and forbid the evil. What would happen if we didn’t pass judgment on them, rather we just advised them instead? Would something befall upon us? Allah is the Judge and He will judge the people for indeed we do not know what is in the hearts of others, rather Allah knows what is in the breasts of mankind.

Imam Malik was reported as stating, “If I was given 99 reasons to declare a person deviant and one upholding their orthodoxy, I’d go with the latter!” Imam al-Ghazali was reported as stating, “The hypocrite looks for faults, the believer looks for excuses.” Al-Hafidh al-Dhahabi wrote, “I heard our Sheikh, Ibn Taymiyyah, d. 728 a.h, say towards the end of his life, ‘I will never declare anyone from the people of the Qiblah (Muslim direction of prayer) as an infidel.’”

Ask yourself, do you REALLY want the best for your brother or sister if you’re looking for an excuse to throw them outside the fold of Ahlus-Sunnah or worse yet, even Islam? Oh Muslim, make excuses for one another. Make dua for one another. Love one another. We are told that we would not attain faith until we love one another. We were also told that one is not a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself. Therefore, O Muslim, attain faith, become a believer (Mumin)! May Allah (SWT) allow us all to be believers. Ameen.

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