Friday, October 5, 2012

Strong Imaan Vs Weak Imaan

Strong Imaan Vs Weak Imaan

Weak Imaan: Live, enjoy as if you’ll die tomorrow
Strong Imaan: Worship Allaah as if you’ll die tomorrow

Weak Imaan: Please yourself
Strong Imaan: Please Allaah

Weak Imaan: Follow what you believe and your desires.
Strong Imaan: Follow the Qur’aan and the Sunnah.

Weak Imaan: Leave it to luck.
Strong Imaan: Leave it to Allaah

Weak Imaan: Enjoy yourself, you are still young
Strong Imaan: Seek knowledge, you are still young

Weak Imaan: Commit sin: don’t worry, no one will know
Strong Imaan: Stay away from sin. Allaah is the all seeing, hearing, knowing

Weak Imaan: I’ll start tomorrow InshaAllaah
Strong Imaan: Right now!

Weak Imaan: I am too young to die
Strong Imaan: Death can take your soul any second

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