Thursday, October 11, 2012

Accepting Disapproval

Salaam(Peace and Tranquility from Allaah),Allaah's Rahmah(Mercy,Grace and Love), and His Barakaat(Blessings) be upon you

Title:What is Ghinaa?

What a beautiful description of Islamic notion of Ghinaa(being free from being emotionally affected by app
roval or disapproval of people for sake of Allaah so that you do everything due to love,fear and awe of Allaah alone, not people)!
May Allaah bless our hearts with the same Ghinaa described above.
The following is the Du'aa(Supplication to Allaah) to pray for Ghinaa in Arabic.
Allaahumma innee as-alukal ghinaa 'aninnaas
O' Allaah! I ask you Ghinaa from people.

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