Monday, March 11, 2013

Summarizing his policy towards Christians & Jews that lived by agreement in Muslim lands, 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab radiyAllah 'anhu said:

"Verily, we have given them a firm promise to allow them to freely frequent their churches; and inside of their churches, they may say whatever they want. We have further given them a firm promise to not place upon them a burden that is greater than they can bear; to defend them if their enemy tries to do them harm; to allow them to freely apply their laws among themselves, unless, of their own volition, they come to us and say that they would be better pleased to have their disputes settled based on our laws. In the latter case, we will willingly act as judges in their disputes. And if they want to leave our lands, we will not prevent them from doing so."

Nidhaam Al-Hukm Fee 'Ahd Al-Khulafaa Ar-Raashideen (pg. 117)

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