Friday, March 1, 2013

How to paint your ideal life:

Take out a pen and paper and at the top write: “If Allah were to give me anything in this world and they next, ANYTHING, what would I ask for?” There is no limit, keep writing everything you could EVER want.

Then, write 4 categories on a new paper:
“Spiritual / Personal / Financial-Material / Contribution”

And under each heading, write down 3 or 4 of the things you are
COMMITTED to working to achieve. The things you want the most. And be specific as to the date you are going to achieve them by. And what specifically will be achieved.

Then, take this list and make it your du’aa list. Made du’aa for these 12 things every day, all the time, in sujood, in qiyaam, all the time.

And, bi tawfeeqillah, it’ll be yours. :)

~Muhammad AlShareef~

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